Orang Purba makan anak-anak

Tulang-belulang manusia Eropa yang ditemukan di Spanyol utara mengungkapkan, orang prasejarah ini adalah kanibal (pemakan manusia). Mereka terutama menyukai daging anak-anak. Dimana yang di ungkapkan Jose Maria Bermudez de Castro seorang direktur proyek Atapuerca situs warisan dunia UNESCO,Mereka mempraktikkan kanibalisme. Pengkajian atas tulang-belulang tersebut mengungkapkan, mereka mempraktikkan kanibalisme dengan memakan kalangan mereka sendiri dan bukan bagian dari ritual. Mereka makan musuh mereka s terutama anak-anak dan anak remaja.

Tulang-belulang purba itu ditemukan di gua dalam kondisi terpecah, patah, berantakan, bercampur dengan tulang-belulang hewan lainnya seperti kuda, rusa, rusa kutub. Binatang itu hasil buruan yang dimakan oleh manusia purba. Gua-gua Atapuerca pertama kali ditemukan pada abad ke-19, ketika satu terowongan diledakkan melewati gunung untuk pembangunan jalur kereta api. Penggalian pertama belum dilakukan sampai tahun 1978, baru pada 1984 ditemukan 150 tulang-belulang manusia. Pada 1992, ditemukan satu tulang-belulang utuh dan dua tahun kemudian ditemukan kembali tulang-belulang yang berasal dari lebih kurang 800.000 tahun lalu. Tulang-belulang itu diduga sebagai manusia pertama yang mencapai Eropa, yang dikenal sebagai Homo antecessor, atau pioner atau explorer dalam bahasa Latin.

Homo antecessor hidup sebelum manusia Neanderthals dan Homo Sapiens, diduga datang ke gua-gua Atapurca setelah mengalami migrasi dari Afrika dan melewati Timur Tengah, Italia utara dan kemudian Prancis. Tempat-tempat itu adalah situs yang bagus untuk dijadikan pemukiman manusia, pada pertemuan dua sungai dengan iklim yang nyaman, serta kaya dengan flora dan fauna, kata de Castro. Mereka menemukan air dan makanan dengan berburu beruang liar, kuda, rusa, yang berarti mereka tidak mempraktekkan kanibalisme karena kekurangan pangan. Mereka membunuh musuh-musuh mereka dan memanfaatkan dagingnya. "Aspek yang menarik lainnya ... adalah bahwa sebagian besar dari 11 individu yang mereka identifikasi sebagai korban adalah anak-anak atau anak remaja." Dengan melakukan perburuan, mereka juga membuat peralatan. Wilayah tersebut, ketika itu sarat dengan hutan lebat, kayu-kayuan, pohon sarangan dan semak belukar, dan juga banyak dihuni binatang seperti beruang, harimau dan serigala.

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Kantung Semar Jadikan Kotoran Serangga untuk Sumber Nitrogen

Tumbuhan kantung semar nyatanya memiliki fungsi lain, yaitu sebagai toilet nyaman bagi serangga yang membuang kotoran dalam kantungnya. Uniknya, tumbuhan ini juga memanfaatkan kotoran tersebut sebagai sumber gas nitrogen. Sebagian besar tanaman kantung semar adalah karnivora atau pemakan daging. Mereka menjebak semut atau hewan serangga lain yang terperangkap dan jatuh tergelincir ke dalam kantung berisi penuh enzim pencernaan si kantung semar. Hasil studi terbaru yang diterbitkan dalam jurnal Biology Letters mengungkapkan, setidaknya satu jenis kantung semar hidup dengan bergantung hidup dari kotoran serangga yang dimakannya. Menurut Jonathan Moran dari Royal Roads UniversityColumbia "Pada dasarnya, wadah cekung seperti kolam enzim pencernaan pada kantung semar bisa dikatakan berfungsi seperti toilet sekaligus sumber bahan makanan,"

Mereka menyetting kamera video yang merekam aktivitas di sekitar kantung semar jenis Nepenthes lowii di hutan Kalimantan,IndonesiaPara peneliti fokus pada Nepenthes Iowii dewasa. Tumbuhan muda dari jenis spesies ini tumbuh diatas tanah dan menjebak semut dan serangga lainnya. Sementara Nepenthes dewasa menempel pada tanaman anggur dan vegetasi lainnya. Pada area yang diteliti ini, nampak bahwa kantung semar lebih banyak menelan kotoran serangga ketimbang memakan serangga itu sendiri. Penelitian ini juga menyatakan, dari kotoran yang ditelannya, kantung semar bisa mendapat pasokan gas nitrogen sekira 57 hingga 100 persen.

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Istilah Astronot indonesia

bagi orang yang berprofesi sebagai kru luar angkasa. Istilah astronot sejatinya digunakan pertama kali di untuk panggilan kru pesawat luar angkasa Amerika, Astronaut. Istilah ini berasal dari bahasa Yunani 'Astron' yang berarti 'bintang' dan 'Nautes' yang berarti 'pelaut' (pelayar). Sedangkan di Rusia, seseorang yang berprofesi sebagai awak pesawat luar angkasa disebut dengan Kosmonot. Istilah tersebut juga berasal dari bahasa Yunani, 'Kosmos' yang berarti 'alam raya'. Di China, istilahnya pun menjadi berbeda lagi, sesuai dengan bahasa yang ada, yaitu 'Taikonaut'. Tetap mengandalkan 'Naut' di belakangnya, sedangkan 'Taikong' merupakan bahasa China yang berarti 'Luar Angkasa'. Berbeda dengan China dan Rusia, Prancis memiliki istilah sendiri untuk atstronotnya, yaitu Spationaut. Kata itu berasal dari kata latin 'Spatium' yang berarti 'luar angkasa'.

Beberapa tahun lalu, saat astronot Malaysia berkunjung keIndonesia, baru diketahui jika Malaysia ternyata memiliki istilah sendiri untuk astronotnya, yaitu Angkasawan Melayu.
Lalu bagaimana dengan Indonesia? Beberapa pejabat mengutarakan pendapatnya mengenai nama yang tepat untuk astronot Indonesia. Meski banyak yang mengutarakan dengan gurauan, namun ada juga yang menanggapinya dengan serius. Misalnya saja salah satu pejabat LAPAN. Saat dihubungi okezone untuk dimintai pendapatnya mengenai nama yang tepat untuk istilah astronot Indonesia, ia menyebut kata Dirgantarawan. Dirgantara sendiri berarti antariksa atau luar angkasa. Namun kemudian, ia meralat istilah tersebut. Menurutnya, lebih enak jika kita menyebut astronot Indonesia dengan sebutan 'Antariksawan', dari kata 'antariksa' yang berarti bagian alam semesta yang berada di luar atmosfer bumi. Yang paling menarik adalah istilah yang dilontarkan oleh salah satu pejabat Kementrian Ristek. Menurutnya, jika Amerika menggunakan istilah Astronot, Rusia dengan Kosmonot, maka tidak salah jika Indonesia menggunakan istilah Indonot. Namun pertanyaan yang paling benar sesungguhnya adalah, kapanIndonesia akan menerbangkan 'Antariksawan' nya ke luar angkasa?

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Manusia Terkecil Di Dunia

Kejadian yang aneh tapi nyata dalam kehidupan manusia sering membuat heboh para ilmuan dan pakar pisikologi. Terutama yang menyangkut pada keberadaan fisik seseorang, karena fisik setiap orang dari berat badan,bentuk dan tingginya sangatlah berbeda, dan ini terjadi pada anak yang ada di Nepal. Dalam empat bulan mendatang Khagendra Thapa Magar remaja Nepal akan dinobatkan menjadi pria terkecil di dunia. Remaja yang memiliki berat hanya 4,5 kg dan tinggi 51 cm itu pada 18 Oktober akan menggantikan He Ping Ping dari China sebagai yang paling kecil. Lahir di wilayah terpencil di distrik Baglung 125 mil dari ibu kotaKathmandu, Khagendra saat ini menjadi selebriti di negara itu. Politisi pun mendompleng kepopulerannya dengan menyerukan agar dia dinobatkan sebagai manusia terkecil di dunia. Sebagaimana yang di jelaskan sang iub yang bernama Dhana May Thapa Magar"ia waktu lahir beratnya 600 gram. Seperti ayam yang baru keluar dari cangkang,". Meskipun belum pernah diperiksa medis secara konferehensif, namun dokter di Nepal yakin dia menderita kelainan kelenjar di otak. Khagendra akan menggantikan manusia terkecil di dunia asal China berusia 20 tahun, He Ping Ping.
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Game komputer Bisa Mengobati Kelainan Mata

Kejadian yang menimpa fisik pada anak-anak ketika lahir dari rahim ibu sangat beragam kelainan, ada kelainan jantung, pernafasan, kelainan mental dll. Kelainan yang satu ini mungkin baru buat kita semua apa lagi bagi orang tua harus waspada dan patut mengetahui akan penderita kelainan mata yang biasa disebut sindrom 'lazy eye' atau amblyopia. Dengan mendengar nama penyakitnya saja mungkin kita sudah takut, tapi jangan khawtir karena bagi anak-anak yang menderita kelainan mata atau yang biasa disebut dengan sindrom"lazy aye" akan bisa sembuh dengan terapi menggunakan game komputer khusus yang dirancang oleh para ilmuwan dari Universitas Tel Aviv. Dengan menggunakan alternatif pengobatan tradisional amblyopia memerlukan penggunaan kacamata khusus yang sangat tebal hingga selama beberapa bulan sebelum mata pasien benar-benar membaik. Menurut para peneliti, cara ini malah akan memperparah kondisi kesehatan mata yang mengakibatkan stigma sosial selama masa pertumbuhan pasien. Dengan kata lain, cara ini 100 persen tidak efektif.

Sebagaimana Dokter spesialis mata dan otak Uri Polat, dari Universitas Tel Aviv mengembangkan metode terapi komputer yang membantu menyembuhkan anak penderita amblyopia dengan cara membiarkan mereka menikmati keasyikan bermain game saat menjalani terapi. Saat pasien larut dalam keasyikkan bermain game komputer, dia akan tetap terjaga dan mengharapkkan hal-hal di luar dugaan. Cara pengobatan ini, awalnya hanya diperuntukkan bagi orang dewasa saja, yaitu untuk memperbaiki aktivitas syaraf di otak, yang berperan sebagai operator fungsi mata. Namun setelah diterapkan pada anak-anak penderita amblyopia, rupanya terapi dengan bermain game ini bisa juga menyembuhkan mereka," Hasil terapi memperlihatkan bahwa dengan berada di depan komputer terapi selama 20 jam memiliki efek setara dengan 500 jam menggunakan kacamata khusus penderita amblyopia.

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Cat Tenaga Surya

Tinta silikon, cat tenaga surya

Sekretaris bagian energi Amerika Serikat (AS), Steven Chu suatu saat menyarankan agar memulai mengecat atap dengan warna putih untuk memerangi perubahan iklim. Sekarang, sudah tersedia juga cat untuk mengumpulkan energi matahari lho! Cat itu dinamakan cat silikon. Seperti yang dikutip dari cnet.com, U.S. National Renewable Energy Laboratory mengatakan bahwa penggunaan teknologi sel tenaga surya ini menunjukkan catatan efisiensi konversi sebanyak 18 persen. Hasil ini telah diverifikasi kebenarannya oleh The Fraunhofer Institute di Jerman.

Innovalight Inc. bekerja sama dengan JA Solar Holdings Limited untuk memperdagangkan generasi berikutnya dari penangkap sinar matahari dengan memakai tinta (karena silikon secara kimia dapat dirubah menjadi likuid/cairan). Tidak seperti perusahaan lain yang memproses silikon sebagai material solid atau gas, Innovalight menggunakan cara baru ini (silikon dalam bentuk cair). Daripada membuat dan menjual panel sel surya, Innovalight merubah strateginya dalam 9 bulan terakhir ini untuk fokus membuat tinta silikon, kata Conrad Burke, CEO Innovalight. Teknologi ini dijual kepada perusahaan-perusahaan pembuat sel surya.

Innovalight mengatakan hasil proses adalah sangat efisien menghasilkan sel surya ultra tipis, waktu produksi lebih cepat dua kali lipat dibandingkan dengan teknologi konvensional.
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8 Gadis misterius Di Dunia Maya

1. Si cewek misterius 

Top 2 cewek termisterius di Google dengan kata kunci 'cewek'.

Yang ini sebenarnya paling populer di mesin pencari dengan kata kunci "CEWEK" tetapi belum ada penjelasan yang terkait dengan cewek ini, posenya yang hot dengan lidah menjulur sedikit menggoda menjadi hits di mesin pencari.

2. Cewek pinky di urutan kedua Google

Cewek manis dan putih ini sedikit bersaing dengan si cantik no 1 di google. Pose nya yang tidak begitu seksi dibandingkan si no.1, mungkin membuat kami menempatkan gadis ini diurutan kedua, penjelasan tentang cewek ini pun belum diketahui siapa dan dari mana asalnya.

3. Cewek berseragam dengan pose seksi

Nah kalau yang ini mungkin banyak ditemui dan menjadi favorit dan sarana promosi esek-esek. Foto cewek SMA ini banyak dipakai dan menghiasi banner-banner iklan yang membutuhkan banyak klik untuk iklannya. Siapa yang enggak penasaran dengan foto imut menggoda dari cewek abg yang masih SMA ini. Iklan nya pun pernah nampang di Facebook. Pertanyaannya bila pernah nampang dibanyak situs, tapi mengapa masih belum juga diketahui siapa sih sebenarnya cewek ini.

Untuk cewek misterius selanjutnya mungkin bisa dibilang fenomenal walaupun sudah tidak misterius lagi tapi mudah untuk mencarinya di mesin pencari, tinggal ketik namanya dan ribuan foto-foto cewek misterius ini pun tampil. Dan pastinya menjadi legenda internet, namanya pun sudah banyak yang kenal. Tapi sayang walaupun terkenal rimba-nya masih belum diketahui sampai sekarang…! kemana yah?

4. Chika

Cewek ini berasal dari bandung, selain foto-foto nude-nya tersebar di internet si cewek asal bandung ini pun punya segudang video bokep. Siapa sih guys cewek yang terkenal karena foto bugilnya di internet ? Chika bandung :D , pasti kamu pernah dengar yang namanya chika. Entah darimana asalnya dan bagaimana si chika ini. Cuman dari informasi yang banyak beredar di internet si Chika ini berasal dari daerah Bandung, Jawa Barat. Untuk kebenaran informasinya juga sulit dibuktikan. Sempat terdengar rumor tahun 2000 bahwa Chika langsung pergi ke luar negeri.. waw!

5. Tirani Dwitasari

Kalau denger namanya mungkin ada yang kenal ada yang ngak.. Doi adalah top selebs Indonesia di dunia maya & Ratunya FS pada masanya..Google pun saksi nyatanya.. tinggal tulis tirani n eng ing eng.. kalau doyan maen FS dan FB pasti sering nemuin foto doi tp namanya beda – beda.. dia lah Tirani Dwitasari. dia hanya gadis biasa seperti umumnya.. melalui jenjang web sosial friendster.. nama Tirani mulai byk di kenal.. hingga muncul2 plagiat Tirani.. banyak yang mengatakan Tirani merupakan seorang model, namun siapa yang tahu.

6. Tris Oktaviani

Nah yang satu ini juga keberadaanya cukup misterius, beda dengan si Tirani Dwitasari yang lebih senior muncul di permukaan sejak era Friendster, si gadis asal Bandung satu ini baru muncul ketik era Facebook bergulir, entah darimana asalnya tau-tau banyak aja foto doi bertebaran di Facebook. Mungkin ini kali yang disebut 'The Power of Narsis'.

7. Tarra Nadhira

Foto-foto Terra Nadhira Hindersah beredar di internet. Mahasiswi perguruan tinggi swasta Jakarta ini tiba-tiba terkenal bukan karena ia ngetop diyoutube dengan gaya dan nyanyinya yang gokil, lucu kaya shinta Jojo atau gayus dan yang lainnya, tapi karena gaya dan pose bugilnya yang bikin jantung laki-laki yang melihat bisa berdetak kenceng.

Tara Nadhira mahasiswi Binus ini memiliki berbagai macam foto-foto pose panas yang kini telah beredar luas di berbagai situs dewasa. Judul foto yang beredar disitus porno tersebut "Additional Nude Facebook Photos From Indonesian Student Tarra Nadhira Hindersah", heem!

8. Gadis hitam berbibir seksi

Entah mengapa jika kita mengetik "narsis jelek" keluarnya malah gadis tersebut dan setelah di download gambar tersebut, Mozilla saya malah nutup sendiri dan laptop saya pun mati mendadak.

Nah ini hanyalah sebuah berita tren di internet. Jika pengen tahu siapa mereka coba aja liat searching di Google tentang foto cewek. Untuk lihat foto cewek lainnya mungkin anda perlu searching via Google Image misal ketik 'Leah Dizon' atau ' Sora Aoi'. Disana banyak sekali hasil fotonya, aneh dan misterius yah!

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Memulai Kebajikan Walaupun Kecil

Ketika fajar menyingsing, seorang lelaki tua berjalan-jalan di pinggir pantai sambil menikmati angin laut yang segar menerpa bibir pantai. Di kejauhan dilihatnya seorang anak sedang memungut bintang laut dan melemparkannya kembali ke dalam air.

Setelah mendekati anak itu, lelaki tua itu bertanya heran, "Mengapa engkau mengumpulkan dan melemparkan kembali bintang laut itu ke dalam air?" "Karena bila dibiarkan hingga matahari pagi datang menyengat, bintang laut yang terdampar itu akan segera mati kekeringan, "Jawab si kecil itu.

"Tapi pantai ini luas dan bermil-mil panjangnya," Kata lelaki tua itu sambil menunjukkan jarinya yang mulai keriput ke arah pantai pasir yang luas itu. "Lagi pula ada jutaan bintang laut yang terdampar. Aku ragu apakah usahamu itu sungguh mempunyai arti yang besar," Lanjutnya penuh ragu.

Anak itu lama memandang bintang laut yang ada di tangannya tanpa berkata sepatahpun. Lalu dengan perlahan ia melemparkannya ke dalam laut agar selamat dan hidup." kemudian dengan tersenyum pada lelaki tua itu, ia berkata "Aku membuat perubahan untuk satu hal. Satu Tindakan Sebuah kebaikan yang sederhana dapat membuat sebuah perubahan untuk keluargamu, temanmu, bahkan untuk wajah wajah asing yang kadang tidak kita kenal". Saya yakin usahaku sungguh memiliki arti yang besar sekurang-kurangnya bagi yang satu ini." Kata si kecil itu.

Pesan Moral : kadang kadang, kita selalu merasa tidak bisa berbuat apa apa seperti layaknya anak kecil itu, namun walaupun itu cuma tindakan kebaikan sederhana, tapi membuat begitu banyak perbedaan untuk Bintang laut itu sendiri

Ketika anda memberikan sedikit senyuman untuk orang lain, baik itu keluarga anda, teman anda ataupun orang asing yang anda temui, anda telah membuat perbedaan besar bagi mereka.

Tindakan kecil yang sederhana dapat membuat perbedaan besar kepada seseorang yang sedang membutuhkan. Menyelamatkan Bintang laut adalah sedikit aksi yang membuktikan kebenaran itu

Kita sering mendambakan untuk melakukan sesuatu yang besar, namun sering kali kita lupa bahwa yang besar itu sering dimulai dengan sesuatu yang kecil. Mulailah berbuat kebajikan pada hal-hal kecil, maka engkau akan diberkati dalam hal-hal besar.

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Find the Answers to all Your Mesothelioma Law Questions

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer directly correlated to the exposure of asbestos, in which abnormal cells line the chest, abdomen and heart. Although there are treatments for the disease, such as radiation and surgery, their success is based on the stage of the cancer and how far it has spread throughout the body. Unfortunately, many people go undiagnosed and untreated for years. In most cases, symptoms for mesotheliomavictims don't even appear until 30-50 years after the initial exposure to asbestos. Furthermore, those who are stricken with the disease may not even realize it because many of the symptoms mimic those of the common cold, such as fever, chest pains, coughing and shortness of breath. In more advanced stages, however, symptoms can include sudden weight loss, abdominal pain, fluid in the lungs and even coughing up blood.

If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma or are suffering from the disease' s underlying symptoms, it is absolutely imperative that you seek the help of a top mesothelioma attorney that will assist you in getting the medical attention you require, as well as compensation for your illness and pain. The best mesothelioma lawyers are all made readily available through our website, MesotheliomaLawyersNow.org.

Each highly acclaimed mesothelioma attorneys on our site can provide you with expert legal counsel to ensure you receive the benefits you are entitled to. Did you know that most employers hide the fact that asbestos is prevalent at their job sites? Any experienced mesothelioma lawyer knows that when employers hide the fact that their workers are at risk for asbestos exposure, they are at fault for your disease. The asbestos lawyers on our network are unsurpassed when it comes to handling cases regarding the asbestos related cancer, and will work around the clock to ensure you get the help and compensation you are due.

The longer you wait, the harder it will be to treat your asbestos and the longer it will take to obtain benefits from your case. Each asbestos attorney found through our site will ensure that all the paperwork for your case is completed and all the respective insurance agencies and employers are notified. When time is of the essence, choosing the right asbestos lawyer to handle your claim can mean the difference between getting medical help on time and becoming a victim of the disease.

Contact the champion asbestos lawyers on our site today and get your mesothelioma case started with the help of a top mesothelioma lawyer.

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What Would You Buy Instead of Another iPad?

I already have an older iPad and even though the Retina display is tempting, I don't feel like I can justify dropping another $500 on a new iPad. Any recommendations to scratch my retail itch that would be more useful than another iPad?

Pockets on Fire

Dear PF,

Good question. A lot of us at Lifehacker are in the same position. We enjoy our iPads, we're tempted by the new one, but we don't think it's really worth it if you already own one of the first two iPads. Obviously, you can always practice a little self control and not buy anything, but as we know, Apple has a knack for fabricating that retail itch. With that in mind, here's what we'd spend that money on instead.

Adam Pash: The New Apple TV, $99

What Would You Buy Instead of Another iPad?I know, I know, I'm suggesting that you simply buy a different Apple product. Kind of lame, right? Still, the Apple TV is a great piece of equipment that, frankly, you could end up getting a lot more mileage out of than a new iPad. The last generation Apple TV, once jailbroken, is easy to install XBMC on, and it works like a charm, making it one of the least expensive, most capable media center front ends around. While the Apple TV 2 could play 1080p files on XBMC, the old Apple TV could only output at 720p. Not so of the new Apple TV, which supports 1080p, has a snazzy new look (that continues to hint at but not deliver an App Store), and will in all likelihood be jailbreak-able in a few weeks time. Mine's already on pre-order, and may likely replace my current media center box. (If you want to go even cheaper and don't mind waiting in long virtual lines, I'm also still eagerly awaiting a $35 Raspberry Pi.)

Whitson Gordon: The Nook Simple Touch, $99

I totally dig my iPad, and while I don't know if I would have paid $500 for it in the first place (it was a gift), I definitely don't need to be buying a new generation anytime soon. How quickly people forget that the first gen is still a really, really awesome device. I have more tech than any one person needs, but if I had to pick an alternative to the iPad, I'd lean toward getting an e-reader like the Nook Simple Touch.

It doesn't have to be that exact model; the main point is that I'd get an e-reader. I just like the look of the Nook more than the Kindle. Plus I like the Simple Touch for its ability to run Android with a bit of hacking—which means I can get things like Read It Later, Reddit, or whatever else I want on it (since I don't read a ton of books). I don't use my iPad for all that much besidescomic books and Instapaper, but it bugs me that I have to use a backlit screen to read things like Instapaper. Instead of getting the device I already have with a retina display, I'd rather get a second, slightly different device that's nicer on my eyes for the occasions when I'm just reading plain text.

Adam Dachis: Home Improvements

Before the new iPad was released, I traded in my original iPad for a Samsung Galaxy Tab 7 Plus because I wanted a smaller Android tablet that I could root and use to play emulated retro games with a Sony Sixaxis controller (The Sixaxis app — requires root.). That is, literally, what I did with my iPad money in the past. But if I had $500 lying around now and wasn't going to put it towards another tablet, I'd use the money to make my apartment look a little nicer. After writing this post about home design I thought that it's probably time to start putting more stuff on the walls. On my free time I draw or create digital art, so the $500 could go to printing and framing. That way I'd have something personal to put up on the walls of my home.

Melanie Pinola: Bicycle, $500

What Would You Buy Instead of Another iPad?My alternative to buying a new iPad is a low-tech bicycle. I've been meaning to buy one for so long and think it will pay off in so many ways, from saving me from having to drive just to pick up something from the pharmacy to sneaking in more exercise to spending more quality
family time together with rides around the park.

Although a good bike would probably run more than $500, a reader suggested in a previous bike-buying post to look up non-profit organizations that fix up and resell good old bikes and also do the bike fitting, so I might go that route. I'm also not sure what kind of bike I want—a Dutch-style city bike like the one shown here, a road bicycle, or a mountain bike. Either way, I think this purchase would be a very worthwhile investment.

Alan Henry: A Brand New HTPC, $500

Normally, I would tell someone that has some spare cash burning a hole in their pocket to save it, put it into something interest bearing, and make it work for them, but if you have to scratch that retail itch, a DIY home theater PC is where it's at. For about the same price as an iPad, you can build your own home theater PC running any OS you like, for around the same price—or less. I walked through the process a bit here and while the components have likely changed, you can probably do better with the same budget.

In the end, you'll get a box that you have total control over, the fun of choosing and ordering the parts you want, and a system that can run whatever front-end software you choose to manage your media. It will probably be useful long after this year's iPad is obsolete and you get the benefits of building your own computer from scratch, something everyone should do at least once. Photo by Bill Bradford.

Thorin Klosowski: Solid State Drive Upgrade, $130-$160

What Would You Buy Instead of Another iPad?I get weirdly attached to computers and because of that I like to keep hardware alive as long as possible. With that in mind, I would dump my cash into an SSD drive for my aging Macbook Pro. With Whitson'shandy guide that ditches the optical drive and replaces it with a solid state drive, I'd be able to upgrade, boot, and install OS X in no time. My plan is to keep my old, 2007 Macbook Pro alive as long as humanly possible because I adore the keyboard and kind of hate the new ones. This upgrade would add a couple more years to the computer's life and help ensure it survives a few drops, spills, and tumbles. Plus, it'll drop a few grams off the overall weight of the thing, making it slightly more plausible as a portable device.


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Avoid a "Me" Resume and Decrease Your Odds of Being Ignored by Yet Another Employer

It's hard to write a resume and avoid discussing your situation, but it can hurt your chances. Gerrit Hall, co-founder of the great resume-analyzing webapp RezScore, has found that many applicants spend too much time focusing on their current circumstances rather than selling themselves:

Consistently, the biggest mistake we see is that people write a 'me' focused resume. A primary example of this is the outdated objective statement – if you have the word 'seeking' on your resume, you're writing a 'me' resume. Employers don't hire you for your satisfaction; they hire you to fill their own critical need. Think of it this way. If you were in sales, would you ever say to a customer "Buy this item because I need the commission"? And if you were the customer, would you buy? A 'me' centered resume says essentially the same thing.

Your job is to think of the potential employer as a customer. You've know they're a hot lead because they've taken the time to post the job – so someone is going to close the deal with them. How do you make sure they go with you? By selling to them like you would sell to anyone else. Figure out their pain points. Why are they hiring? Who have they hired in the past? What's their most critical need? And then go in there with your sales guns blazing; be the solution to their problem.

Like we discussed this weekend, it's so important to put yourself in a company's shoes when you're applying for a job. Do your research on them and how they operate and remember to sell yourself rather than explain your situation.

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How Can I Steer Clear of Distractions and Focus While I Work?

Dear Lifehacker,
I need a little help focusing. I know part of it is just a lack of discipline, but I can't help but kill time on sites like Facebook and even Lifehacker during the day when I should be working and getting things done. You guys post lots of great productivity tips, but how do I get myself focused and away from distractions enough to put them to good use?

Slightly ADHD

Dear Slightly ADHD,

Don't worry, some distractions can be a good thing, and they can help you stay refreshed over the course of the day, but we know how it goes—it can be difficult to get up the energy to really get to work sometimes when there are so many shiny things that just need your attention. Those cat videos aren't going to play themselves, are they? Here are some ways you can minimize the distractions and get back on track.

How Can I Steer Clear of Distractions and Focus While I Work?

Audit Your Time to See How Bad the Problem Is

If you're not sure where your time is going, the first thing you need to do is figure out whether your distractions are harmless diversions or real time-wasters. After all, it's possible that you're working so hard that you're not taking the breaks you need to recharge, and instead your attention is wandering so you can get a little relief from your work. Grab a notebook, and make a note to yourself whenever you catch your attention wandering, or after you've realized you're wasting time and you know you need to get back to work. If you can jot down how long you've been idle, that can help as well. At the end of a few days, you'll have a great idea of how often you're "out to lunch," so to speak, and whether it's really noteworthy. Plus, the action of keeping a log of what you're doing, even if it's just for your own personal review, will likely keep you a little more honest while you're working. Photo by Chad Kainz.

If you want to take it a step further, our own Whitson Gordon went to great lengths to with RescueTime, a great application that will keep an eye on your activities for you so you don't have to. Just behave normally, breaks and distractions and all, and after a few days the app will show you exactly what you've been spending time on.

Get The Right Tools to Single-Task and Cut Off Your Distractions

Once you have an idea of how much time you spend distracted and how much time you spend working, you need to get the right tools for the job to control and manage those distractions. Remember, distractions that pull you out of the zone and keep you from focusing may not just be Facebook or your favorite blog—it could be your coworkers stopping by to chat, or the music someone a few cubes over is playing through their computer's speakers. Whatever it is that's keeping you off your game, get the right tools to address it:

  • How Can I Steer Clear of Distractions and Focus While I Work?Distracting coworkers: Whether it's chatty colleagues who don't seem to have real work to do, or someone blasting their music a few cubes over, we discussed ways to deal with distracting coworkers while you're trying to enjoy a meal, but many of the same tips apply to those who bother you when you work. Grab a good set of headphones—especially noise canceling ones—to send the signal that you're not to be disturbed, to play your own music, or at the very least to block out annoying and distracting sounds from elsewhere in the office. If a coworker insists on interrupting you, stand up to give them the signal that you're about to leave, or trap them by giving them work to do (so they won't be so eager to just drop in again) to keep them from coming back. Alternatively, just let them know you're busy. You'll already be distracted, but at least the forward approach keeps it to a minimum.
  • Distracting websites: There are a number of ways to go about limiting your visits to distracting websites, but we're big fans of Leechblock for Firefox and StayFocused for Chrome. Both extensions will help you set up your most common distractions and time-wasters, and then remind you to get back to work when you try to visit them. If you're a terminal ninja and want a more arms-deep approach, try Get Shit Done, a utility that'll block distracting sites by modifying your computer's hosts file.
  • Distracting applications: Depending on the tools you use every day for your job, you may want to do simple things like full-screening your apps so you don't see other windows behind the ones you're working in, or you may want to look into tools designed to minimize distractions, like one of these distraction-free writing tools. There are plenty of other optionsavailable if you'd like one, but you don't necessarily need to download something to get a distraction-free work environment. Often just making the app full-screen and eliminating any unnecessary menus is enough to keep your focus in the app, and away from your inbox. While you're at it, you might want to turn off those evil notifications so they don't pop up over your work to steal your attention.

How Can I Steer Clear of Distractions and Focus While I Work?

Choose a Productivity Technique that Bolsters Your Discipline

Even with the right tools in place, it can still be difficult to stay focused—you may catch yourself trading one distraction for another. Procrastination finds a way. Worst case, you spend more time on your productivity system than you do actually being productive. You may need to tweak that system—the best tools complement your productivity method, and the best method complements the way you work. We've discussed some great productivity systems in the past, but whichever one you use, make sure it helps you get more done and isn't a beast you have to wrestle with. If you are struggling with your system, it's time tochange it up and pick a method more suited to you. You only have so much willpower and discipline to go around—spend it wisely and on the things that matter. Photo by David Svennson.

At the same time, don't forget to schedule your breaks and give yourself some time to be distracted and relaxed so you can recharge. I've found one of the best ways to make sure you're productive and switched on when you need to be is when you know that a break is coming soon, or that you've scheduled some time to do something you like to look forward to. If you have trouble with the concept, get started by setting some natural alerts and non-intrusive distractions that will pull you out of the zone just enough that you can realize it's time to recharge. As long as you're the one in control of those distractions, they should come as a welcome and enjoyable diversion. When your time is up, dive back in, knowing you've got another break coming up soon. Use your system—and your breaks—to shore up your discipline so you're less tempted to give in to distractions.

How Can I Steer Clear of Distractions and Focus While I Work?

Are You Really Doing What You Want To Do?

Finally, if you're really distracted and uninterested in what you do, it might be time to ask yourself whether it really is what you want to do with your time. You may not have a choice—all of us have to do work that we may not love sometimes, and even if you love your job there's a reason it's called "work," but being chronically distracted may be a symptom of a larger problem. Before you haul off and quit your job or school to "find yourself" or make a serious course correction though, try the methods above to see if you can be a bit more productive doing what you do now. You may not have the luxury to just switch jobs or change classes—and even if you do, there's no way to know you won't run into the same problems later until you give your self discipline and personal productivity a boost first. Then, if it's still all wrong, take another look. Photo by Simon James.

Hopefully we've given you some tools to help you stay focused, Slightly ADHD! With luck and a little effort, you can train yourself to more easily get into the zone, get some work done, and really relax when you do take a break and head over to Facebook (and here to Lifehacker!) when you don't have anything else to do or want to recharge a bit. Good luck!


P.S. Have any other techniques for shoring up your personal discipline and getting more work done? Any tips you use to avoid distractions and the unproductive temptations? Share your productivity tips in the comments below.

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Apple to Pay Dividend, Buy Back Stock to Return Some of Cash

Apple Inc. (AAPL) will pay its first dividend in 17 years and buy back $10 billion in stock, heeding investors who urged it to return part of the $97.6 billion in cash amassed by robust demand for iPhones and iPads.

Shareholders will receive a quarterly dividend of $2.65 a share starting in the period beginning July 1, Cupertino, California-based Apple said today in a statement. The buybacks will begin in the fiscal year starting Sept. 30 and happen over three years, the company said. 

Chief Executive Officer Tim Cook is showing more willingness than co-founder Steve Jobs to channel part of cash and investments directly to investors. The move will cost $45 billion over three years, Cook said, and may broaden Apple's shareholding base by attracting fund managers who only hold dividend-paying companies.

"It was high time to do this," said David Rolfe, chief investment officer of Wedgewood Partners Inc., which holds Apple shares.

The dividend will cost Apple about $10 billion a year and represents a yield of 1.8 percent on the stock's closing price today. The company generated $16 billion in cash in the first quarter of fiscal 2012, which ended in December. Shaw Wu, an analyst at Sterne Agee & Leach Inc., predicts that Apple will generate about $75 billion in cash this year.

Apple rose 2.7 percent to $601.10, closing above $600 a share for the first time.

Top 10 Yield

"This is something that large shareholders have been asking for," Wu said before the announcement.

Including instances where a company has scrapped and re- established dividends, today's was the largest initiation for a company in the Standard & Poor's 500 Index, surpassing Cisco Systems Inc.'s announcement of a $1.3 billion dividend in March 2011. Apple's move pushed the dividend yield of the benchmark gauge of American equities to 2.14 percent, from 2.06 percent, Howard Silverblatt, S&P's senior index analyst, said in an interview.

Apple's dividend may provide a short-lived boost to some pockets of the economy, said Richard Sichel, CIO of Philadelphia Trust Co., which manages $1.6 billion and holds Apple in some funds.

"More than anything, it's a psychological boost," Sichel said.

At 1.8 percent, the yield on Apple's dividend would be the tenth-highest among U.S. technology companies with market values larger than $10 billion, data compiled by Bloomberg show.

Intel, Microsoft Higher

It's lower than that offered by Intel Corp., which yields 3.03 percent, based on today's closing price, and Microsoft Corp., which yields 2.48 percent on that basis. It tops Cisco's dividend yield of 1.59 percent and International Business Machines Corp.'s 1.46 percent yield.

After today's announcement, Google Inc., owner of the most popular search engine, is now the only technology company with a market value of more than $100 billion that doesn't offer a dividend.

The growing amount of money on Apple's balance sheet followed the introduction of the iPhone, the best-selling smartphone, and the iPad, the leading tablet computer. The company last week began selling a third-generation iPad, which comes with a high-definition screen and faster processor. Apple sold more than 3 million iPads on its debut weekend, a record, Apple said in a separate statement today.

"It's literally become a cash machine," said Charlie Wolf, an analyst at Needham & Co. in New York.

Contrast With Jobs

Gene Munster, an analyst at Piper Jaffray Cos., said Jobs, who died in October, resisted efforts to get Apple to return money to shareholders.

"It would have been unheard of under Jobs's watch," said Munster. "This is just finance 101, but it looks like rocket science next to what they've done in the past."

Of Apple's $97.6 billion in cash and investments at the end of December, about $64 billion was overseas. Oppenheimer said Apple will only use money held in the U.S. for the dividend and buyback to avoid tax consequences.

A dividend is a boon to shareholders, including Apple employees, who have already seen the company's stock rise 48 percent this year.

Fidelity Management, Apple's largest shareholder, will make $128.81 million each quarter from the dividend, based on its holdings as of Dec. 31. Vanguard Group Inc., the second-biggest shareholder, will receive $98.54 million and State Street Corp. will make $92.12 million.

'War Chest'

"We have used some of our cash to make great investments in our business through increased research and development, acquisitions, new retail store openings, strategic prepayments and capital expenditures in our supply chain, and building out our infrastructure. You'll see more of all of these in the future," Cook said in the statement. "Even with these investments, we can maintain a war chest for strategic opportunities and have plenty of cash to run our business."

On the conference call, Cook said adding a dividend will expand Apple's investor pool. Some investors will only buy shares in companies that pay a dividend.

Apple last paid a dividend in 1995, before Jobs returned as CEO and led the introduction of top-selling products including the iPod, iPhone and iPad. The final dividend, of 12 cents a share, was suspended amid leadership upheaval and dwindling computer-market share. According to a company filing, Apple's cash, equivalents and short-term investments dropped by about half, to $491 million, in the year through Sept. 29, 1995.

Highlighting its turnaround since that period, Apple has surpassed Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM) as the world's most valuable company. The iPhone maker's market value is $560.4 billion, based on today's closing price. That compares with $410 billion for Exxon Mobil.

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Facebook Mimics Apple by Spending Less on R&D Than Rivals

Facebook Inc. (FB) spends a smaller percentage of revenue on engineering than other Internet companies, mimicking Apple (AAPL) Inc.'s strategy of keeping costs low by relying on outside developers for research and development.

Facebook devoted 10 percent of its sales to R&D spending last year, a fraction of the level of some other companies holding recent initial public offerings, including Zynga Inc. (ZNGA) andLinkedIn Corp. (LNKD) Facebook, the biggest social-networking service, is planning its own IPO this year. 

The company, known for its hacker culture and marathon coding sessions, has increasingly encouraged other companies to add features to its site. Lower expenses have given Facebook fatter profit margins than the typical prospective IPO, said Colin Gillis, an analyst with BGC Partners LP in New York. The challenge is maintaining that growth amid mounting competition from Google Inc. (GOOG)and younger startups.

"They are robust margins to be coming out of the gate with," Gillis said. "Typically what happens is a company goes public and investors like to see margin expansion."

Facebook's profit margin in 2011 was 27 percent, up from 19 percent in 2010 and 16 percent the previous year. That tops the 14 percent average for companies in the Standard & Poor's 500 Index. (SPX)

Room to Grow?

Excluding interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization, Facebook's profit margin was 56 percent last year. That doesn't give the company much room for improvement, Gillis said.

Jonathan Thaw, a spokesman for Menlo Park, California-based Facebook, declined to comment.

For now, Facebook is operating in the mold of Apple, the world's most valuable company. While Apple develops plenty of its own technology, it lets outside developers create the hundreds of thousands of apps that run on its iPhones and iPads. The approach keeps customers loyal to its hardware without R&D eating up as much revenue. Apple devoted 1.6 percent of sales to research and development last quarter.

"We don't see any of the R&D spend by the app developers in Apple's numbers, but we see it in the result of the innovativeness," said Ron Adner, an author and professor at Dartmouth College. "Same thing with Facebook."

In Facebook's case, developers such as Zynga carry much of the weight. Zynga, based in San Francisco, offers the most popular games on Facebook's site, including "FarmVille," "Mafia Wars" and "Words With Friends."

Sales Gains

For both Facebook and Apple, the relatively small R&D budgets stem in part from having booming sales. Facebook's revenue almost doubled to $3.71 billion last year after expanding more than 150 percent the previous year. It's a challenge to hire enough engineers to keep pace with that growth, said Avi Goldfarb, a professor at the University of Toronto.

"It's a very complicated process," he said. "R&D is not something you can just throw money at and hope everything works out."

Still, increasing competition for Internet users and advertisers may push Facebook into stepping up its research spending. The Google+ social-networking site, started last year, has attracted more than 100 million users. Google also is making gains in display advertising -- Facebook's main source of revenue. It's expected to take the lead from Facebook in the market for U.S. display ads next year, according to research firm EMarketer Inc.

Upstart Rivals

To keep up, Facebook may have to spend 15 percent of revenue on engineering, said Martin Pyykkonen, an analyst at Wedge Partners Corp. in Greenwood Village, Colorado. Newer rivals could quickly emerge to challenge its supremacy in social networking, just as Facebook itself displaced MySpace, he said.

Even so, Facebook's lower R&D spending doesn't mean the company is underinvesting in future products, said Nate Elliott, an analyst with Forrester Research Inc. in New York. Facebook has continued to roll out new products, including a revamped timeline feature for its profile pages and mobile services that let members show their locations.

"I would be more concerned if they weren't leading the social-media space in innovation," Elliott said. "This is the social site that has done more than any other to introduce new features and new ways for consumers to interact with their property."

And unlike Google, Facebook (FB) is dabbling in fewer projects that are far afield of its main business, Adner said.

"They're not out there coming up with driverless cars," he said. "They're not out there coming up with solutions for solar energy. They're completely focused on their business. That probably increases the effectiveness of whatever spend we're seeing."

Facebook's future research budget may hinge on the company getting a better idea of what areas it needs to focus on, said Sameet Sinha, an analyst with B. Riley & Co. For example, if it decides to pursue e-commerce more aggressively, that would put it in more competition with Amazon.com Inc.

"Once they decide what's going on, what's going to be important for them, I think they will intensify their R&D efforts," he said.

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S&P 500 Rises to Four-Year High as Apple Plans Dividend

The Standard & Poor's 500 Index (SPX) advanced to the highest level since May 2008 as Apple Inc. plans to pay a dividend and buy back $10 billion of its stock.

Apple climbed 2.7 percent to a record $601.10. Citigroup (C) Inc. advanced 1.3 percent after selling its 2.71 percent stake in Shanghai Pudong Development Bank. U.S. Steel (X) Corp. rallied 6.4 percent to pace gains in commodity shares. United Parcel Service Inc. (UPS)increased 3.4 percent after agreeing to buy TNT Express NV. Bank of America Corp. retreated 2.8 percent, reversing an earlier advance that drove the stock above $10.

The S&P 500 rose 0.4 percent to 1,409.75 at 4 p.m. New York time, trading 9.9 percent below its October 2007 record of 1,565.15. The Dow Jones Industrial Average added 6.51 points, or 0.1 percent, to 13,239.13. The Nasdaq Composite Index (CCMP) gained 0.8 percent to 3,078.32, the highest level since November 2000. The S&P Smallcap 600 Index (SML)increased 0.9 percent to an all-time high of 465.97. About 6.6 billion shares changed hands on U.S. exchanges, almost in line with its three-month average.

"There's plenty of room for dividends to increase," said Paul Zemsky, the New York-based head of asset allocation for ING Investment Management. His firm oversees $160 billion. "Paying dividends is a sign of health in the companies and the economy. That plays well in terms of investors' confidence."

The S&P 500 has rallied 12 percent this year and is on pace for the best first quarter since 1998 amid better-than-estimated economic and corporate reports. It trades at about 14.6 timesreported earnings, the highest valuation level since July while still below the average since 1954 of 16.4 times earnings.

Apple, Banks

Today's rally amid Apple (AAPL)'s announcement added to last week's optimism over dividend increases by banks including JPMorgan Chase & Co. The index rose 2.4 percent between March 9 and March 16 for the biggest weekly gain this year.

"It's all about confidence," said James Paulsen, who helps oversee about $333 billion as chief investment strategist at Minneapolis-based Wells Capital Management. "You're seeing more evidence of corporate confidence rising to the extent that companies are starting to act on that. The environment for the next few years still looks very good for equity investors."

Apple gained 2.7 percent to $601.10. Investors will receive a quarterly dividend of $2.65 a share starting in the period beginning July 1, Cupertino, California-based Apple said in a statement. The buybacks will begin in the fiscal year starting Sept. 30 and will take place over three years, the company said.

The company's cash pile has swelled amid surging demand for its products. Investors had urged Apple to return some of the balance in the form a dividend.

'Extremely Confident'

"We are extremely confident in our future and see tremendous opportunities ahead," Apple Chief Financial Officer Peter Oppenheimer said in the release. He said the company plans to pay out about $45 billion over three years.

The KBW Bank Index (BKX) added 0.5 percent as 20 of its 24 stocks advanced. Bank of America fell 2.8 percent to $9.53, snapping a four-day rally.

Citigroup added 1.3 percent to $37.17. The third-largest U.S. bank sold its 2.71 percent stake in Shanghai Pudong Development Bank to institutional investors, generating after- tax proceeds of about $349 million.

Morgan Stanley (MS) rallied 2.7 percent to $20.06. The owner of the world's largest brokerage is planning its first corporate bond sale since October after the cost to protect its bonds from default dropped by almost 50 percent in the past four months.

U.S. Steel had the biggest advance in the S&P 500, gaining 6.4 percent to $31.64. The country's largest producer of the metal by volume should benefit from a recovery in steel prices, UBS AG said in a note.

Biggest Deal

UPS added 3.4 percent to $81.11, the highest level since July 2006. The company raised its offer for TNT Express NV by 5.6 percent to 5.16 billion euros ($6.8 billion) to secure the biggest deal in the U.S. company's 105-year history.

E*Trade Financial Corp. (ETFC) advanced 1.6 percent to $11.22. The online brokerage was raised to the equivalent of buy at Wells Fargo & Co.

Sprint Nextel Corp. (S) slumped 4.5 percent, the most in the S&P 500, to $2.76. Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. downgraded the company amid concern it won't sell enough iPhones to afford its "punishing" commitment with Apple Inc.

Medco Health Solutions Inc. (MHS) lost 1.9 percent to $68.93. Express Scripts Inc. (ESRX)'s bid to acquire the company may be delayed by a lawsuit being considered by five states. Express Scripts fell 2.1 percent to $53.22.

Homebuilders Drop

A measure of homebuilders in S&P indexes dropped 0.9 percent. The March reading of 28 in the National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo index of builder confidence was less than projected and followed a February figure that was lower than initially reported, figures from the Washington-based group showed today. The median forecast of economists surveyed by Bloomberg News called for a rise to 30. Readings below 50 mean more respondents said conditions were poor.

KB Home (KBH) sank 6.8 percent to $11.89. PulteGroup Inc. retreated 1.4 percent to $9.16.

Daily price changes in the S&P 500 are decreasing the most in eight decades, shrinking to the smallest since 1995 when investors abandoned stocks just before the biggest rally ever.

The benchmark gauge for U.S. equities has gained or lost an average 0.46 percent a day this year, compared with 1.04 percent in 2011, the biggest reduction since 1934, during the Great Depression, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. Swings are diminishing after valuationsfell 40 percent and correlation among shares weakened the most in at least three decades.

Lowest in 13 Years

At the same time, trading on the New York Stock Exchange has slumped to the lowest rate in 13 years, spurring concern about the biggest first-quarter rally since 1998. Bulls say the decline in trading and daily swings signal fear is dissipating after one of the most volatile years on record. Bears say falling volume is a warning gains will reverse should economic reports and earnings fail to match expectations.

"Low volatility is good in that it will bring investors back," Tim Hoyle, the director of research at Radnor, Pennsylvania-based Haverford Trust Co., which manages $6 billion, said in a March 13 phone interview. "Even though bullish sentiment is high, people are still fearful. I see it in my business every day, they couldn't stomach the volatility. This will restore some sense."

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Hidden Billionaires in Plain Sight Emerge As Stocks Rise

In 2007, Bresky inherited his father's 74 percent stake in Seaboard Corp. (SEB), a $5.7 billion commodities trading and cargo shipping company that generated almost a third of its revenue last year slaughtering 5 million hogs. Bresky's stock is worth $1.7 billion today.

"He must regretfully decline to be interviewed," said Bresky's assistant, Amanda Doyle, from the company's Merriam, Kansas, headquarters on March 14. "He just doesn't do a lot of stories."

An analysis of stakes held in publicly traded U.S. and Latin American companies uncovered Bresky and seven other billionaires who haven't appeared in any major international wealth rankings. Most of their 10-figure fortunes are derived from public holdings and dividend income.

Bresky, Seaboard's chairman, has remained under the radar by owning his shares, which are down 9 percent since he inherited them, through two Newton, Massachusetts-based holding companies, Seaboard Flour LLC and SFC Preferred LLC. Seaboard Corp., which also has sugar and power operations, bought half of the Butterball turkey brand for $178 million last year from Garner, North Carolina-based Maxwell Group.

Far From Silicon Valley

American Graham Weston, 48, has also avoided being ranked with the world's richest, partly by running a technology company in San Antonio, Texas -- 1,700 miles from Silicon Valley. Weston owns about 15 percent of Rackspace Hosting Inc. (RAX), a provider of Web-based information-technology systems. His stock is worth almost $1.1 billion.

The company held its initial public offering in August 2008. Rackspace shares have surged more than 12-fold since hitting a low of $4 per share in February 2009, making Weston, the company's largest shareholder, a billionaire.

Weston loathes talking about his wealth. After seeing glitzy dot-coms fail spectacularly a decade ago he, along with his Rackspace cohorts, decided to adopt what they call a no- stars policy.

"We said we wanted to be judged on our substance, not our flash," Weston said in a telephone interview on March 14.

Weston has put some of his money -- he's sold about $60 million of Rackspace stock since 2008 -- into helping entrepreneurs and local students. Weston and Rackspace employees have contributed $2 million in grants to spruce up local schools, fund mentoring programs and provide supplies.

"It's a way for a corporation to interface in a philanthropic way, not just with money but with our own enthusiasm," Weston said. "We really adopted a new model, which is the idea that a corporation takes accountability for the success of the schools around it and gets directly involved."

Pleasure Aircraft

Insurance mogul William R. Berkley, 66, built his estimated $1.2 billion fortune by creating what became W.R. Berkley Corp. (WRB) The $4.9 billion Greenwich, Connecticut-based company has 48 operating units underwriting a spectrum of property and casualty risks, from pleasure aircraft to cyber security.

Berkley owns about 18 percent of the company, a stake worth almost $900 million today. He has also collected more than $51 million in company dividends since 1980, and has collected more than $85 million in salary and bonuses since 1993. In 2006 and 2007, Berkley earned $58 million selling shares of First Marblehead Corp., a Boston-based student loan company he has been a director of since 1995.

"He's very private about his wealth," said Karen Horvath, a spokesman for W.R. Berkley Corp. "He prefers not to be on any lists."

Holocaust Survivor

Surging economic growth in Latin America is minting a new wave of wealthy tycoons. Booming consumer demand in Brazil has made Samuel Klein, an 88-year-old Polish immigrant and Holocaust survivor, and his son Michael, billionaires. In 2009, Klein sold his chain of home-appliance stores, Casas Bahia Comercial Ltda., to retail billionaire Abilio Diniz.

The Klein family received a combined 47 percent stake in Via Varejo SA (GLOB3), as the unit of Diniz's flagship Cia. Brasileira de Distribuicao Grupo Pao de Acucar is now known. The stake is worth $2 billion today, with Samuel Klein owning 54 percent. Michael Klein, 59, who is Casas Bahia's chief executive officer and Via Varejo's chairman, controls the rest.

The Kleins also have cash. As part of the sale to Diniz, the family kept Casas Bahia's property holdings. Diniz pays them 140 million reais ($78 million) a year in rent. Casas Bahia's press office said the family was unavailable to comment.

Chemicals and Copper

Billionaire Antonio del Valle, 74, has turned Mexichem SAB into one of the largest chemical producers in the Americas by acquiring more than 15 competitors since 2007. The Tlalnepantla, Mexico-based company's shares have surged more than 50-times since 2002, making his family's 48 percent stake, which he controls, worth $3.2 billion.

Del Valle got his start in banking. He served as chief executive of Grupo Financiero Bital SA until his partners sold it to HSBC Holdings Plc in 2002, paying him in cash and shares of Mexichem -- then known as Grupo Industrial Camesa.

Mexican regulatory filings indicate the family has been able to increase its stake in Mexichem by reinvesting most of their dividends and proceeds from a 2005 stock sale back into the company.

Del Valle also owns closely held lender Grupo Financiero Ve Por Mas SAB and Elementia SA, which makes copper and aluminum products and is part-owned by Carlos Slim, the world's richest man according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. He controls all three stakes through his holding company, Grupo Empresarial Kaluz SA. Del Valle's personal assistant said he was unavailable for comment.

Precious Peruvian Metals

Buoyed by surging gold prices, Alberto Benavides and his family have seen their 28 percent voting stake in Cia. de Minas Buenaventura SA, Peru's biggest producer of precious metals, jump five-fold in a decade to $2.7 billion. Today Benavides, 91, owns $1.2 billion of the company's stock after giving the rest in equal parts to his five children last year.

Based on an analysis of dividends, local taxes and market performance, the Benavides family probably has an investment portfolio worth at least $250 million. "We're people who have no interest in ostentation or luxury," Roque Benavides, who has led the company since his father retired, said in an e-mail. "We're working people whose goal is to contribute to the social development of Peru."

Banco Santander Purchase

Alvaro Saieh, 62, became a billionaire after his shares of Corpbanca (CORPBANC), Chile's sixth-biggest lender, jumped 63 percent in 2009, more than doubling the following year. His 63 percent stake is now worth more than $2.1 billion.

Saieh, who earned a doctorate at the University of Chicago and traces his roots to Palestine, formed his company by leading the takeover of century-old Banco de Concepcion in 1995 and using it to buy up rivals.

In December, Saieh oversaw the $1.16 billion acquisition of Banco Santander SA (SAN)'s Colombian unit, helping Corpbanca become the first Chilean financial institution to own a foreign bank.

A press official representing Saieh, who asked not to be named due to internal policy, said his closely held retail, insurance and media assets are worth $2.6 billion not including debt. SMU SA, his chain of supermarkets and retail stores, reported 2010 sales of $2.2 billion.

The number of billionaires that remain uncovered is difficult to quantify. "It's hard to give you a number. You should question anyone who claims they can," said Anthony DeChellis, head of Private Banking Americas for Credit Suisse in New York. "It is a very difficult thing to know."

To contact the reporters on this story: Brendan Coffey in Boston at bcoffey10@bloomberg.net; Alexander Cuadros in Sao

Paulo at acuadros@bloomberg.net

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Gold Stock Premium at Low on ETF Demand: Corporate Canada

Investors are abandoning Canadian gold producers including Kinross Gold Corp. (K) for exchange-traded bullion funds, leaving valuations at a record low compared with the rest of the market.

Gold shares in the Standard & Poor's/TSX Composite Index (STGOLD) fell 28 percent as of March 16 from an historic high in September, while the market benchmark is down only 1.5 percent. Miners in the index are trading for 16.7 times reported profits, or 12 percent more than the index. The premium is the smallest since February 2003, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.  

Buying gold and ETFs tracking bullion prices such as the $69 billion SPDR Gold Trust (GLD) has become increasingly popular for investors as companies struggle to develop mines in remote locations and pay higher operating costs.

"In the past, they had to buy the equities," said George Topping, a Toronto-based analyst at Stifel Nicolaus & Co. Gold ETFs "remove all of the technical risks" associated with mining the metal.

Kinross, the Toronto-based producer that last month took a $2.49 billion writedown on a Mauritanian mine and said it would delay projects in Ecuador and Chile, fell 15 percent this year through March 16. Gold gained 5.5 percent.

Agnico-Eagle Mines Ltd. (AEM), also based in Toronto, slumped 43 percent since Oct. 18, the day before it said a Quebec mine would close because geological conditions made it unsafe. The company took a $161 million writedown on the mine. Agnico-Eagle last month also reported a $644.9 million writedown on its Meadowbank mine in Nunavut Territory in northern Canada because of "persistently high" operating costs.

Premium Dissipates

"There's been a lot of operational issues in the Canadian gold companies that have caused that premium valuation they used to receive to dissipate," Craig Basinger, chief investment officer for Macquarie Group Ltd.'s Canadian private wealth unit in Toronto, said in an interview. The unit oversees about C$15 billion ($15.2 billion) of assets.

Seven of the world's 20 largest gold producers are based inCanada. The premium for 38 gold companies in the S&P/TSX index has averaged 190 percent over the past five years, according to data on reported profits compiled by Bloomberg. The premium relative to forecast earnings has been erased,from 166 percent in February 2009.

Gold traded at a record $1,925 an ounce on Sept. 6 in New York amid concern the European debt crisis would slow global growth and on demand for the metal as a hedge against inflation. Central banks added 439.7 tons to reserves last year, according to the London-based World Gold Council.

Gold Declines

The precious metal declined 3 percent this month, trading at a two-month low on March 14, after the U.S. Federal Reserve increased its forecast for the world's biggest economy and refrained from new actions to stimulate growth. The S&P TSX Global Gold Index (TTGDAR) lost 8.8 percent over the same period.

A resolution to the European debt crisis may end gold stocks' underperformance against the commodity, said Jorge M. Beristain, a Greenwich, Connecticut-based analyst for Deutsche Bank AG. He recommends investors buy Barrick, Kinross and Vancouver-based Goldcorp Inc. (G)

Gold futures for April delivery closed at $1,655.80 on the Comex in New York on March 16.

Holdings (.GLDTONS) of the metal through ETFs have more than tripled in the last five years and reached a record 2,410.2 metric tons on March 13, valued at about $131.3 billion, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

Record Earnings

Gold prices advancing for 11 straight years have helped producers report record profits. Cash flow from operations rose by an average of 33 percent last year, according to data compiled by Bloomberg Industries from nine gold companies.

Investors are skeptical that cash will be put to good use, said Deutsche Bank's Beristain, citing acquisitions made in the past two years by Barrick and Kinross. Kinross bought Red Back Mining Inc. for C$8 billion in September 2010, giving it the Tasiast mine project in Mauritania. Kinross took the writedown on the mine 16 months later.

Red Back was "an absolutely, not just defendable, but a cornerstone acquisition for the company," Kinross CEO Tye Burt said in a March 16 interview.

Most large producers are generating "strong" cash flow and earnings and the valuations of gold stocks will start outperforming "at some point," he said. Gold miners plan decades into the future while investors focus on short-term results, he said.

'Longer Time Frame'

"There is a need for companies to use a longer time frame," Burt said.

Barrick declined 1.2 percent today to close at C$43.11 in Toronto. Goldcorp dropped 0.6 percent to C$43.38, and Kinross fell 1.2 percent to C$9.78. Agnico-Eagle declined 1.9 percent to C$32.80.

Barrick purchased copper producer Equinox Minerals Ltd. in July for C$7.3 billion. Companies producing copper and other base metals typically trade at a lower multiple of earnings. Barrick trades at 9.7 times earnings, down from 15.5 on April 22, the trading day before it said it would buy Equinox.

Barrick, which has the second-lowest price to earnings ratio in the 38-member S&P/TSX Gold Index, is trading at a discount to the S&P/TSX Composite Index. Investors are paying a 35 percent discount for earnings relative to the index, after paying an average 9.7 percent premium in the past five years.

Andy Lloyd, a spokesman for Barrick, declined to comment beyond what CEO Aaron Regent said last month in an interview. Gold stocks are heading for an "inflection point" triggering a rally after becoming increasingly cheap, Regent said Feb. 16.

Price-Earnings Ratio

Dale Coffin, a spokesman for Agnico-Eagle, declined to comment. Jeff Wilhoit, a Goldcorp spokesman, wasn't immediately available to comment. Goldcorp CEO Chuck Jeannes said Feb. 27 at a conference in Hollywood, Florida, that the trend in gold stocks was becoming "unsustainable."

Agnico-Eagle's price-earnings ratio decreased to 10.8 from 26.4 on Oct. 19, when it said it would close the Goldex mine in Quebec. Kinross's valuation ratio declined to 13.1 from 35.7 at the end of July 2010, before the announcement of the Red Back purchase.

Meanwhile, the so-called cash costs reported by mining companies -- their production costs minus items such as taxes and royalties -- climbed 24 percent in the past year, according to data compiled by Bloomberg Industries.

"We have seen operating costs and especially capital costs rise way above inflation," Stifel Nicolaus's Topping said.

Europe's debt crisis is encouraging investment in companies whose earnings seem more certain, said Robert Cohen, who oversees $1.25 billion in precious-metals equities at Bank ofNova Scotia's GCIC Ltd. unit.

Gold stocks will "eventually" turn around and start outperforming the metal, said Joe Foster, portfolio manager for the Van Eck International Investors Gold Fund at Van Eck Global in New York.

"Fundamentally, the current valuations just don't make sense," he said in an interview. "We're just looking for a catalyst to make that happen."

(This was the final story written by Matt Walcoff, who passed away last week.)

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